Find the price of bananas in Costa Rica
San Isidro de El General, Costa Rica
The exchange rate is easy to calculate.
Here is a simple example:
500 ₡ ( CRC) = $1.15 (CAD)
To obtain this result, here is the procedure to follow:
- Multiply the prices by 2.
- Divide by 1000
- Add 15%
Let's try this!
I would like to buy a sweater that has a value of 10,000 CRC
The Costa Rican Colón (CRC) is the currency used in Costa Rica.
The symbol is ₡.
Approach for the sweater:
10,000 ₡ x 2 = 20,000 ₡
Divide by 1000 = $20
Add 15% = $3
Total of the jersey in CAD dollars: $23
Your turn now
It's the last day of the year. I made a crazy expense!!! I don't know if I will survive. The cost of living is very high in Costa Rica.
I bought myself bananas!!!
David paid 200 ₡ for those bananas. What is the total amount paid in dollars (CAD)?

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