A small 118 km to go from Santa Cruz to La Cruz
La Cruz, Costa Rica
Today I traveled 118 km to get from Santa Cruz to La Cruz in Costa Rica.
Another incredible day.
I left this morning at 5:45 am from Santa Cruz.
After reaching Daniel Oduber International Airport, the second largest in the country, located in Liberia, the wind picked up. I passed through a very windy corridor. In addition to making me graze by the trucks, the wind deported me towards them. Between Liberia and La Cruz there are no living beings apart from a few birds and iguanas crossing the road.
I managed to beg water from people at the entrance to Santa Rosa National Park.
Thank you to those generous people who gave me water and ice. It was the first time that I felt the thirst so intensely!
I finally arrived in La Cruz after cycling for over 7 hours.
Tomorrow, I will be in Nicaragua since the border is only 20 km from my hotel called Les Cabinas Santa Rita. I paid 17,000 CRC ($41.00 CAD) for the night.
I hope there won't be as many critters as yesterday! Indeed, I had a nice big cockroach and a frog in my room in Santa Cruz. You should have heard the little girlish cry of a man surprised by these critters. Live and let live! I didn't feel like putting my feet on the ground! I was afraid to make frog juice!!!
Reminds me of my trip to Peru in 2009 when frog juice was selling at the market! Phew!!! No thanks!
So this is it!
Another day!
Thanks to life for giving me life!!!
I hope to make it to Mexico in one piece! I hope Nicaragua will be easier!!! Ahahah! I do not believe!
I will soon join my friends in Nandaime. I'm going to stay with Maria Antonia at Casa Toña.
Learn more about Casa Toña.
See you soon!
David Beauchesne

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